I am a Laboratory Scientist at the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia. My work involves High Throughput Sequencing (HTS) and Bioinformatics Workflow development for crop pest and pathogen diagnosis and surveillance.
Postdoc: JSPS Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Transcriptomics
Japan International Center for Agricultural Sciences, Tsukuba, Japan
PhD in Molecular Plant Physiology
The University of Western Australia, Australia
MSc in Biological Sciences
The University of Sydney, Australia
Publications list available on Google Scholar and on ORCID.
I am passionate about promoting bioinformatics education and its applied skills. I develop intuitive teaching resources to help facilitate bioinformatics learning and applications. Some examples are:
Bacterial Phylogenetic Tree Reconstruction Using UBCG Pipeline: This is a widely used tool for identify pathogenic bacteria using a core set of bacterial genes.
How to run Kraken2 on HPC using Singularity container and Nextflow?: Kraken2 is a popular metagenomics tool. It identifies organisms present in an environmental DNA (eDNA) or any other samples that contain more than one genome.
GPU-accelerated guppy basecalling: Guppy is a base caller used for converting the Oxford Nanopore sequencing raw data (electric signals) into strings of nucleotide bases called sequencing reads. This tutorial demonstrates how to carry out Guppy base calling.
Why graduate students should learn R?: An introduction to R.